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Virtual FOSS Hours: Thursdays 5pm-6pm US EDT

18 March 2020

Hey FOSS folks. Quarantine got you down? In proper open source spirit, FOSS@MAGIC will host virtual FOSS Hours every Thursday, from 5pm - 6pm on Jitsi. Our first virtual FOSS Hours will take place on Thursday, 26 March 2020.

About Jitsi Meet

To pull straight from the Jitsi website:

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Call for Volunteers: Spring 2020

17 December 2019

Hi FOSS folks! We are looking for volunteers from the RIT community! If you are interested in volunteering with FOSS@MAGIC in the Spring 2020 semester (and at your option, beyond), please fill out this form:

FOSS@MAGIC Spring 2020 volunteer sign-up

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Volunteer with FOSS at Rochester Maker Faire 2019

03 October 2019

Hi FOSS folks!

Interested in coming to the Rochester Maker Faire with FOSS@MAGIC? Please fill out the submission form.

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FOSS Hours are back: Thursdays 5pm-7pm @ MSS-3190

19 August 2019

Hi FOSS folks! FOSS Hours are back for the Fall 2019 semester on Thursdays from 5:00pm until 7:00pm. Find us in the MAGIC Spell Studios building in MSS-3190 (second floor conference room). The first FOSS Hours of the semester is Thursday, September 5th, 2019. Pizza is included!

What are FOSS Hours?

Want to meet other students, faculty, and staff interested in free and open source software at RIT? FOSS Hours is an informal time for the FOSS community at RIT to gather. Come to see what other people are working on, share what things you’re working on, or take some time to get caught up on homework or other project work. You can stay for as short or for as long as you like. No RSVP is necessary.

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Call for Proposals The Future is Open 2019

21 May 2019

FOSS@MAGIC is proud to announce the debut of the first-ever The Future is Open mini-conference. The Future is Open is a one-day event to engage the wider RIT community with open source opportunities, projects, and research happening on campus. We invite alumni, friends of the program, and those interested in learning about a variety of open source projects and programs created on RIT’s campus to join current students, faculty, and staff for the event.

A call for proposals (CfP) is now open. All backgrounds are encouraged and welcomed. We hope for the content of our talks not only cover software development but many topics beyond.

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Find FOSS@MAGIC at Imagine RIT 2019 in MAGIC Spell Studios

16 April 2019

FOSS@MAGIC is proud to be an exhibitor at this year’s Imagine RIT Creativity and Innovation Center on April 27th, 2019. This year, FOSS@MAGIC will exhibit student projects and build awareness of our initiative and program in the RIT and Rochester communities. Hunaina Abid, Justin W. Flory, Nathaniel Larrimore, and Wilfried Hounyo are participating as student representatives and exhibitors with the support of Prof. Stephen Jacobs and Dr. Joe Anderson.

Meet our projects

Three projects are presented at our booth this year:

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Partnering with UNICEF to build humanitarian open source communities

01 April 2019

On Monday, April 1st, 2019, Prof. Stephen Jacobs and Justin W. Flory met with the next cohort of international humanitarian start-ups funded by the UNICEF Innovation Fund. This continues the partnership between FOSS@MAGIC and the UNICEF Office of Innovation started in 2012. Jacobs and Flory worked with UNICEF fund managers to support the next round of funded companies to build open source communities around their humanitarian products.

About the UNICEF Innovation Fund

The UNICEF Innovation Fund is an investment fund for humanitarian projects that address the needs of vulnerable children. To receive funding, companies must release some or all components of their product as free and open source software. This aligns to one of the Principles for Digital Development followed by UNICEF: Use Open Standards, Open Data, Open Source, and Open Innovation.

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Open Source Round Table at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco

20 February 2019

Over the past several years, there has been a greater willingness within the game industry to use open source technologies and/or put their own proprietary tech under a wide variety of fully or semi-open licenses. There are also more independents working with open game engines like Godot.

This past fall, the Academy for Motion Picture Arts and Sciences joined forces with the Linux Foundation to create the Academy Software Foundation to “provide a ‘neutral’ space for artists, engineers and developers to share work and collaborate on projects, thereby increasing both the quality and quantity of open source tools.” The companies currently signed on are, by a wide majority, film industry companies. There are a few game industry companies currently engaged and the language on the website alludes to this foundation covering multimedia and games as well.

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FOSS Hours are back: Wednesdays 5pm-7pm @ MSS-3190

14 January 2019

Hi FOSS fans! FOSS Hours are back for the Spring 2019 semester on Wednesdays from 5:00pm until 7:00pm. Note the date change for this semester. Find us in the new MAGIC Spell Studios building in MSS-3190 (second floor conference room).

What are FOSS Hours?

Want to meet other students, faculty, and staff interested in free and open source software at RIT? FOSS Hours is an informal time for the FOSS community at RIT to gather. Come to see what other people are working on, share what things you’re working on, or take some time to get caught up on homework or other project work. You can stay for as short or for as long as you like. No RSVP is necessary.

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FOSSRIT infrastructure: Get help and make requests

07 January 2019

Today, the FOSSRIT/infrastructure repository now has ticket templates to help the FOSS@MAGIC community with infrastructure needs. There are four types of tickets to open:

  1. Service disruption: Something is offline or not working
  2. Infrastructure request: Request a new web app or computing resources for projects
  3. General enhancement / improvement: Could something be better? Tell us how.
  4. Other: Anything that doesn’t belong in previous categories

Screenshot of new ticket types to open

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Welcome to our new website

13 November 2018

Hello, and welcome to the new FOSS@MAGIC GitHub Pages website! As we work on building up our online presence again, more info will be shared here across the semester. Stay tuned for more information.


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